IDSS announces new student council

In order to facilitate connections and provide an open environment for discussion, IDSS has assembled a new student council. The goals of the IDSS Student Council are to:

  • Build a vital and connected IDSS student community by planning social and academic events
  • Provide a channel for IDSS students to communicate with IDSS leadership

Ali Jadbabaie, director of the Sociotechnical Systems Research Center (SSRC) will serve as the Student Council’s faculty advisor.

The 2016 IDSS Student Councilors are:

  • Veronica “Ronnie” Foreman is the Technology and Policy Program (TPP) student representative on the IDSS Student Council. She is a second-year student in Aeronautics and Astronautics Department and TPP, specializing in distributed spacecraft systems. She works on cost and risk analysis for constellations of satellites and the intersection of technology and policy as it pertains to Earth-observing constellations and the commercial launch market. She is a member of the Strategic Engineering Research Group.
  • Joshua Mueller is the Engineering Systems Student Society (ESS) representative on the IDSS Student Council. He was in the Technology and Policy Program from 2013-15 and then began his Ph.D. in Engineering Systems as part of the final cohort in that program. He studies energy storage systems with Jessika Trancik and has served as the ESS social secretary for the past two years.
  • Ian Schneider is a graduate student at MIT, working towards a Ph.D. in Social and Engineering Systems (SES) in IDSS and serving as the SES representative on the IDSS Student Council. He researches optimal strategy for wind power producers and mechanism design in electric power markets as a research assistant in the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS). Ian is very excited about all things energy and transport, and in his spare time he loves to ski, rock climb, and eat.
  • Vira Semenova is the Statistics and Data Science student representative on the IDSS Student Council. She is a 4th-year student in the Economics Department, specializing in Econometrics. She works on imputation of missing data that preserve desired statistical properties of the methods developed for the fully observed data. She applies her methods to the kidney allocation.
  • Jianan Zhang is the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS) representative on the IDSS Student Council. He is a fifth year graduate student in LIDS, and studies interdependent networks with Professor Eytan Modiano. He served as an Ashdown officer in 2013-2015 and a Graduate Student Council orientation coordinator in 2015.

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