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Estimation and inference for error-in-operator model

Vladimir Spokoiny (Humboldt University of Berlin)

Abstract: We consider the Error-in-Operator (EiO) problem of recovering the source x signal from the noise observation Y given by the equation Y = A x + ε in the situation when the operator A is not precisely known. Instead, a pilot estimate \hat{A} is available. The study is motivated by Hoffmann & Reiss (2008), Trabs (2018) and by recent results on high dimensional regression with random design; see e.g., Tsigler, Bartlett (2020) (Benign overfitting in ridge regression; arXiv:2009.14286) Cheng, and Montanari (2022) (Dimension free ridge regression; arXiv:2210.08571), among many others. Examples of EiO include regression with error-in-variables and instrumental regression, stochastic diffusion, Markov time series, interacting particle…

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