Shantanu Chakraborty
Postdoctoral Associate, IDSS
Shantanu Chakraborty is a Postdoctoral Associate at the Trancik Lab within IDSS at MIT, and at the Energy Analytics Group within LIDS, working with Professor Jessika Trancik and Dr. Audun Botterud. His research interests include macro-scale energy systems planning and optimization, energy economics, distributed optimization and control, stochastic optimization, and machine learning.
At MIT, Shantanu’s current work focuses on identifying robust clean energy investment portfolios under the uncertainties of evolving technologies and their associated costs in the energy transition. Shantanu received his Ph.D. from the Delft University of Technology as a Marie Sklodowska Curie Early-Stage Researcher in Power System Engineering and Economics. During his doctoral studies, Shantanu has also been a research visitor at the Politechnico di Torino (Italy) and EnergyVille (Belgium). He also holds a M.Sc. In Energy Science, Technology, and Policy from Carnegie Mellon University. His works have been recognized as Best Paper at the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) General Meeting conference in 2019.
In addition to academia, Shantanu has also served in the capacity of data scientist and a consultant to utilities globally through his work at Tendril Networks, Bloom Energy, and Guidehouse Consulting.